Friday, December 18, 2009

fleewerx + Zazzle

I've decided to go with Zazzle, a print-on-demand company that creates retail-quality products, to print and ship the t-shirts I design. They also print posters, buttons, hats, and a whole slew of other goodies so if I ever decide to branch out beyond graphic tees I will have that ability. I do, however, plan on eventually screenprinting my t-shirts if this ever takes off. Using Zazzle allows me the opportunity to learn the craft and develop my style before dropping down a substantial amount of money in printing. I'm not trying to say that I don't mind an inferior product though. Zazzle's commitment to quality lets me rest assured that no one's getting ripped off.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Introduction/Starting Out

Hello. My name is Frank. I'm a graphic designer by day and lately I've been bitten rather hard by the t-shirt bug. I love graphic t-shirts so it only makes sense that I try my hand at designing them. I desperately need an outlet for my creativity since my day job is trying to stifle it, so this is the perfect opportunity for me. I'll start out with designing t-shirts for now but who knows. As I stretch my creative muscles I'll probably branch out and try my hand at some art and illustration (which really was what I started out as way back in the college years). fleewerx is the brand under which all will live. Success or failure (hopefully success), it will be a good way for me to work on some personal projects. Here's to the beginning of something grand!